Sopa Lodges

Serengeti Sopa Lodge Nestled in the acacia woodland on the edge of the escarpment overlooking the plains of the south-western Serengeti National Park, one of the most famous parks in the world, and host to the largest and most spectacular annual migration of the wildebeest. Location: Located 315 km from Arusha, approximately 7.5 hours drive, and 50 minutes flight with 45 minutes drive from the nearest airstrip. The lodge is set in the Nyarboro Hills, in the South West overlooking the Serengeti Plains. Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge Perched on the rim of the collapsed volcano, the Ngorongoro Crater, a world heritage site, often referred to as the eighth wonder of the world. It has the most magnificent views over the crater floor, which is home to vast herds of buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, the rare and endangered black rhino, elephant, cheetah, leopard, lion and herds of gazelle and wildebeest. Location: Its position on the Eastern rim allows the most spectacular and uninterrupted views of the sunset. Situated on the eastern rim of the Ngorongoro Crater, in the volcanic highlands of Tanzania, covering an area of some 240 square kilometers. The lodge is located 170 km from Arusha, approximately 4 hours drive and 40 minutes by air, with another 45 minutes transfer from the airstrip to the lodge. Tarangire Sopa Lodge Hidden among the kopjes, lies Tarangire Sopa Lodge, surrounded by ancient baobab trees. It is the home of the greatest concentration of elephants in Africa, and other game including the elusive leopard. Over 400 bird species can be spotted here as well. With water constantly available in the area, the greenery is lush providing a wonderful contrast to the burnt ground.. Location: In the Tarangire National Park which covers an area of 2800 sq km. The lodge lies 118 km south west of Arusha, approximately 2 hours drive from Arusha town and 20 mins flying time with another 20 mins transfer time to the Sopa lodge.

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